Sunday, October 18, 2015

Insight into a Rick Perry's follower writing

The Blog entry, “Insiders are wrong: Rick Perry won't be the first to drop out” (August 18, 2015), discusses Rick Perry’s presidential campaign previous to his drop out of it. The Bloggers intended audience are Rick Perry’s followers; I assume, conservative Republicans. The credibility of this entry is non-existent, since there is no evidence to back up the author’s claims. The author simply makes assumptions about the political actions of Rick Perry, such as; “Rick Perry running for president in 2016 is quixotic.” and “… if you’re Rick Perry then you stay the course through Iowa.” The argument the blogger makes is literally the title of the entry. The entry contains some non-substantial evidence, which seems very biased, therefore it is hard to take the writer seriously. The author’s logic implies that, Rick Perry was very unlikely to win the 2016 presidential elections, but he will not drop out of the race. One way for Perry to succeed according to the author is to “Focus on farmers and veterans and hope you’re under the radar enough that they don’t target you for not supporting ethanol subsidies. Spend all your  money in Iowa and see if you can make a go of it.” Currently, Rick perry is not running for president, as he dropped out of the presidential race on September 11 of this year, just shy of a month after this blog entry. There’s no one left to agree with the author, after the irony. Regardless, had Rick Perry not suspended his campaign for presidency, I could not agree with the author on this entry, since it is extremely biased. It seems that the author is only hoping about what he is writing, instead of actually backing up his claims. 

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