Monday, November 2, 2015

Cutting Corners

         In the past few months, it seems as though the Texas Government has been focusing efforts to eradicate planned parenthood within the state. An institution that was founded nearly 100 years ago, because of controversial actions that exclude their patients. Regardless of the care they have provided to many women during the course of their time. Planned parenthood is being accused of selling fetuses for so called science practices, it is also being accused of Medicaid fraud.  The government has issued  intrusive subpoenas that in the eyes of the average person seem ridiculous. These subpoenas include personal information requested from planned parenthood workers. It might seem as though the government would like to find these people and independently accuse them for misconduct, but up to this point this is not the case. The Texas Government is after the organization as a whole, with no solid proof of Medicaid evidence, or hard evidence on bad practices within the company. 

         I do not want to come off as one sided, as there might be a shady side of planned parenthood that I do not see, nor do most people for that matter. But the side that I do see, is the clinic that helps women especially those with low incomes. The informative guidance that women get from this organization, such as their preventive, STI, and breast exams is essential to our society. It is sad that the organization that has strived to help women throughout the years is involved in misconduct, but I believe it is even sadder that our government does not nearly attempt to fix the situation. For instance, to levy heavy penalties and/or warnings towards this company. Instead they insist on defunding it, without taking into account that there are currently not enough clinics that can help low income women with their reproductive issues and preliminaries. 

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